Thursday, 11 September 2014

The 2014 Training Market

Training and Teambuilding on the increase during 2014, as business confidence returns across a number of sectors.

2014 to date has shown a significant and notable increase in the number of residential training bookings, reinforcing the belief that taking staff to a dedicated, specialist training environment will provide the best results for learning and development. A demand for delegates to pay for their own accommodation during training courses has also been seen, with the training department responsible for a day delegate rate and confirmation of the meeting space. Most venues now offer this as a seamless service, showing increased flexibility to meet customer need.

Conference Centres of Excellence has been working with training venues for over 21 years, and as training events form the largest volume of bookings managed (48% of bookings are training or teambuilding events), the nationwide group is well placed to monitor trends and ensure that they understand clients’ requirements. 

Over the last 12 months Conference Centres of Excellence and the Learning and Performance Institute (LPI) formed a partnership representing an on-going commitment to raise quality standards within venues dedicated to learning and development, which supports marketing to the Training Sector.
Following an independent business mapping process carried out on behalf of the LPI, the quality criteria for Conference Centres of Excellence member venues has been endorsed in alignment with the Learning Facilities Accreditation Programme, providing evidence of on-going commitment to best practice and providing highest quality, cost effective facilities and service for the Learning and Development community. The group’s 30 member venues are therefore Endorsed in alignment with the Learning Facilities Accreditation Programme as provided by LPI.

Conference Centres of Excellence is exhibiting this week at the LPI annual conference Learning Live, for all corporate and commercial trainers, training managers, L&D managers and HR managers featuring world-class speakers and thought-leaders from the L&D world, together with inspirational case studies, practical workshops and networking opportunities galore.

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